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Tim NL
S2 licensed
Hi all,

Who know's how to synchronize 2 database's (PB.txt file's) with lapper???
I made on server 1 the following config.
Quote :
# Sync Database Options
# Hotlapping options
Database = c:/PBdir/PB.txt;

Do i have to the same for server 2???
And write the PB.txt also to the dir Database = c:/PBdir/PB.txt; ??
except the
Quote :
# Sync Database Options
# Hotlapping options
Database = c:/PBdir/PB.txt;

Last edited by Tim NL, .
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Hi Andy,

Try this , it works on my server

Auth1 = FXR:AS3:1.44.00 | FZR:AS3:1.44.00 | XRR:AS3:1.44.00 ;
AuthAllowPlayer = Auth1|@John Doe,Gai-Luron;
AuthMinPlayer = 1;

( i did not try the users but it will work)
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from commandermas :Hi Gai-Luron,

i am using the 5.633beta version of your lapper and tested the Qualusers option for the first time.

i wrote them all in the lapper.cfg file (like: QualUsers = commandermas, other drivernames seperated by ","; because i don't want to use groups), but i only get errors like friendly position 0/0 when i drive a new bestlap. I had no chance to test it with another lapper yet.

is this an error in my config file or is this a config-error

Greetings CommanderMAS

edit: it was my error, you should start with the new config file not with the old

Hi CommanderMAS,

There was a faulth in the lfslapper.cfg in the Hotlapping options Section by line PBQualAction there was (is) a \msg in case of /msg :detective
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Hi Gai-Luron,

I testing lapper 5.641 with Dedi Y24.
I get the following crash of lapper.
In the Dedi i recieve a Insim timeout : LFSLapper.

In lapper i get the following massage :

C:\Program Files\LFS\Server5 (Test)\LFSLapper5.641beta\bin>LFSLapper.exe ../cfg/
LFSLapper Version= on GNU license
2005-2008 Janez Cufer and Robert BRACCAGNI ( Gai-Luron )
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.
Type LFSLapper -help to view usage
Started : 6/22/2008 12:52:16 AM
Loading WR...Ok
Loading swearwords...Ok
Mode Sync = False
Connection OK
Product:S2 Version:0.5Y24 InSim Version:4
Web Commands Thread Started...
Register Web Thread Started...
LFSLapper is running...
The following error occurred:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at LFSLapper.LFSClient.GetAuth(infoPlayer currInfoPlayer) in C:\Program Files
\lfs\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.64\src\LFSClient\cmdLapper.cs:line 832
at LFSLapper.LFSClient.ShowAuth(infoPlayer currInfoPlayer, String cmd) in C:\
Program Files\lfs\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.64\src\LFSClient\cmdLapper.cs:line
at LFSLapper.LFSClient.executeCmdLapper(Int32 UCID, String msg) in C:\Program
Files\lfs\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.64\src\LFSClient\cmdLapper.cs:line 240
at LFSLapper.LFSClient.SendMsg(Int32 UCID, String msg) in C:\Program Files\lf
s\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.64\src\LFSClient\loop.cs:line 261
at LFSLapper.LFSClient.SendMlMsg(Int32 UCID, String msg) in C:\Program Files\
lfs\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.64\src\LFSClient\loop.cs:line 255
at LFSLapper.LFSClient.Loop(Connect insimConnection) in C:\Program Files\lfs\
DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.64\src\LFSClient\loop.cs:line 1638
at LFSLapper.LFSClient..ctor(String scriptfilename, debug Pdebug, Boolean deb
ugmode) in C:\Program Files\lfs\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.64\src\LFSClient\lfsc
lient.cs:line 548
at LFSLapper.LFSLapper.Main(String[] Args) in C:\Program Files\lfs\DevInsim\l
apper\LFSLapper5.64\src\Main.cs:line 127
System.String GetAuth(LFSLapper.infoPlayer)

Maybe i have something wrong in my config file or it can help you to improve this super program.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Save your 2048x2048 Skin as a jpg file.
Open it in .
Open a second layer. Copy the 2048x2048 skin from layer 1 and past it in layer 2 and resize it to 1024x1024.
Open a new session from with a 1024x1024 mask.
Copy and past the 1024x1024 from layer 2 (first session) in the second session.

Save Test and upload your skin.
Last edited by Tim NL, .
Tim NL
S2 licensed

Is it posible to open a txt file with a button?
Its easyer to change the text in a file and the script is a bit shorter and easyer to follow

something like:
!help|/pbut help,25,28,150,10,5,-1,0,"&./help.txt":
/pbut close,90,95,20,10,8,-1,32,^3Ok,"/cpbut help&close"|
Tim NL
S2 licensed

Resize your skin with Paint shop pro or or you can use Gimp2 to 1024x1024.
Tim NL
S2 licensed

Just add a new line F: or move the batch file to the F Drive

Example :
cd "F:\Live For Speed\LFSLapper5.62 server1\bin"
start /min /low NETStartDefault.bat
sleep 5
cd "F:\Live For Speed\LFSLapper5.62 server2\bin"
start /min /low NETStartDefault.bat
Tim NL
S2 licensed
@Gai-Luron : Your Lapper version 5.63 works SUPER
Thanks a lot , well done

Maybe you can add a part to stop voting for a restart after 2 or 3 lap's .
That will be great.
Tim NL
S2 licensed

You can download SLEEP.EXE from and copy it to /windows/system32.

Example 1:
cd "D:\Live For Speed\LFSLapper5.62 server1\bin"
start /min /low NETStartDefault.bat
sleep 5
cd "D:\Live For Speed\LFSLapper5.62 server2\bin"
start /min /low NETStartDefault.bat

Or you can use ping -n 1 -w 5000 >nul

Example 2:
cd "D:\Live For Speed\LFSLapper5.62 server1\bin"
start /min /low NETStartDefault.bat
ping -n 1 -w 5000 >nul
cd "D:\Live For Speed\LFSLapper5.62 server2\bin"
start /min /low NETStartDefault.bat
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from STF :he can use the sleep command if he has the resource kit installed from microsoft, but since it is not default on all computers, he can resort to a more unorthodox way.. ping an invalid host, with a 5 second timeout.
ping -n 1 -w 5000 >nul

Thanks STF it works
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Andy King :Hi Tim,
THANKYOU - got that working, got 2 more problems.

1) I need to delay the batch file from starting all servers within a split second as WR needs at least 5 seconds between calls less its not loaded.

2) Want to minimise LFS and Lapper DOS windows to taskbar.

Thanks for your help


For the first one i dont have a solution yet . But there was a command in DOS called SLEEP maybe it works ( not tryed yet).

For the second question you can use start /min /low NETStartDefault.bat for example.
Tim NL
S2 licensed

Here is our start_all.cmd file. use it for a example.
We changed the names from the LFS Dedi in LFS1.exe , LFS2.exe to see more easy witch server is running.
Server 1 and 2 are on S2 and 3 and 4 are Demo.

cd C:\Program Files\LFS\Server1
start LFS1.exe /cfg=setup.cfg
cd "C:\Program Files\LFS\LFSLapper5.52 server 1\bin"
start NetStartDefault.bat"

cd C:\Program Files\LFS\Server2
start LFS2.exe /cfg=setup.cfg
cd "C:\Program Files\LFS\LFSLapper5.52 server 2\bin"
start NetStartDefault.bat"

cd C:\Program Files\LFS\Server3
start LFS3.exe /cfg=setup.cfg
cd "C:\Program Files\LFS\LFSLapper5.52 server 3\bin"
start NetStartDefault.bat"
cd "C:\Program Files\LFS\LFSSC-0[1].3.2.0\LFSSC demo 1"
start LFSServerControl.exe

cd C:\Program Files\LFS\Server4
start LFS4.exe /cfg=setup.cfg
cd "C:\Program Files\LFS\LFSLapper5.52 server 4\bin"
start NetStartDefault.bat"
cd "C:\Program Files\LFS\LFSSC-0[1].3.2.0\LFSSC demo 2"
start LFSServerControl2.exe
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Andy ,

You can open for sever 1 LFS Dedi , LFS Lapper and LFS Control with port 29999.
For server 2 open LFS Dedi , Lapper and Control with port 29998 .
and so on.
Just put Dedi in a map Dedi sever 1 and in map Lapper server 1 and in map Control sever 1.
And make maps for server 2 , 3 and so on.
You can start everthing up from a batch file.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Hi Andy,

You can run LFS Server Control at the same time as LFSLapper .
Just edit the config.ini and use the same port as lfslapper.
Tim NL
S2 licensed

You can change the and in the folder ../data/dds.

You can use Gimp 2 to change your dds files.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Is it posible to delete a PB from someone who is cheating?
I put in the trackinfo.cfg file the next line and it works fine

LapTimeAction = /msg Cheating by {Nickname}^8 !:/ban {Nickname} 99

But i want also to delete automaticly the PB from that person in the PB.txt file.Is this posible? or is this for a later release from LFSLapper?

And a speedtrap to check the maxspeed for a imposible speed and do a auto action on it?
Tim NL
S2 licensed

I hosting some server's for a while ( 2 on demo and 2 on S2) and i saw in the !top 15 list some very strange things. People drive a 1.07 on Blackwood in a FBM.

Later i saw on the DEMO server a guy (Lexus) who drive the car in neutral and go very fast ( over 280 kpm).

I dont know if this is happening on S2 .

Is there something to block this ??

Greetz Tim
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Dank je SpikeyMarcoD .
Probleem op gelost . Alle USB poorten deden niet wat ze moesten doen.
Ik heb een USB 2.0 PCI kaart over gezet van mijn oude PC .
Alles doet het weer

Problem solved Everthing OK now, I put in a other USB 2.0 PCI cart.
Thanks to SpikeyMarcoD
Tim NL
S2 licensed

I have only one USB device ( the steer wheel)
It happend also without LFS running. The steering wheel will turn by him self ( very fast to the left ) while i doing something else with my pc.
On my old PC the steering wheel will work ok. I used the same drivers.

Greetz Tim (NL)
BIG PROBLEM with momo racing wheel and USB [SOLVED]
Tim NL
S2 licensed

I have a new pc with a Asus M2N Motherboard , a AMD 4200 X2 cpu 2Gig Memory and a ASUS NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT.
I installed the newest drivers.

Problem: My steer wheel ( Logitech Momo racing ) wil not work ok.
when i calibrated my steer and cant drive 1 lap . My steer will sudenly steer full to the left ( at once ). Have to calibrated again.

Have anyone the same problem and what can i do the fix it ???
I tested it with XP and with Vista but its the same problem.
I think its my motherboard

Greeting Tim (NL)
Last edited by Tim NL, .
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Thanks , it works super now

greeting Tim
Tim NL
S2 licensed
I have the same problem, I have to reset the setings everytime when i start LFS.
Whith my old Thustermaster Rally Gt it works super but this steerwheel is broken .
I updated the driver from version 4.40 to 4.60 , it resolveld the most problems but i stil have to reset the settings.

PS. What are the best settings for this steer ? forcefeed back ed. ?
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Just ad a empty tekstfile ( by notepad ) in the bin folder the names PB.txt and DriftPB.txt.

Its works great